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The Young Wife’s Guide Blog

Once a Month Cooking {Book Review}

Freezer cooking has changed my life. Seriously. I work full time plus have a 45 minute commute both ways. I get home close to 6 each night and THEN have to cook dinner. It’s such a hassle and I like to cook unlike some people. Well my cooking world was turned upside down last year when I discovered a little… Read More

Freezer Cooking: has changed my life

Freezer cooking has changed my life. Sound dramatic? I’m not saying it has changed my life in a coming-to-saving-faith-in-Christ kind of way. But rather it has changed my daily life and my everyday duties. About a year ago I would have said “Once a month cooking?? Huh?” Like maybe I’ve heard a blogger here or… Read More

Why Easter is a Time of Celebration: Future Promises

The beautiful story of Easter begins in the Old Testament, winds it’s way through to and is partially fulfilled in the New Testament through Christ’s death and Resurrection. Christ came to this earth to die for our sins so that we could be united with the Father in His Kingdom. For this we celebrate! Christ… Read More

Why Easter is a Time of Celebration: The Resurrection

Jesus has risen, he has risen indeed. We all know and are familiar with this  saying and yet I wonder how many really know why this is indeed a celebrate that Jesus died and rose again. To fully understand why Easter is a time of Celebration we must go a little journey. Throughout this journey I… Read More

Fulfillment of the Messiah: A Journey Through the New Testament

Easter is just a few short days away and celebrations are underway. Girls are picking out their Easter dresses and children everywhere are getting excited for Easter egg hunts. Pictures are taken with the Easter bunny and chocolate is filling every household. So much celebrating is going on. But wait, this isn’t what we should be celebrating… Read More

Why Easter is a Time of Celebration

Easter egg hunts, pastel dresses, decorating eggs, the Easter bunny, lilies, oh and going to church. This is what Easter was for me for many years. Yes, of course, Easter was about Christ. Duh, it’s HIS holiday. He died and rose again. But I didn’t truly understand what it was all about. It wasn’t until… Read More

Chocolate Marshmallow Egg Easter Baskets {A Tutorial}

Easter is quickly approaching so that means my Easter baskets, marshmallow eggs, and fun treats are ready to be handed out! I love being able to make a fun Easter treat and attach a beautiful scripture about Christ’s death and the joy of his Resurrection. One fun Easter gift is chocolate dipped marshmallow egg baskets. This is a… Read More

Recover Old Chairs – For Less than $5

When my husband and I got married, we had nothing! We had both lived on campus at our University for one year (I was in a dorm and he was in an apartment) so we had nothing of our own! We were fortunate to be blessed by so many gifts from friends and family. We got a… Read More
