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The Young Wife’s Guide Blog

Simple Steps to Decluttering your Home

A big lesson I’ve had to learn when it comes to household management, is to keep things simple. This seems to go against my very nature as a pack rack, but learning how to declutter and keep a simpler household is an essential ingredient in staying on top of my house during these busy years… Read More

3 Ways to Respond to Conflict

Our culture today {largely through TV and movies but also through pop-psychology} has taught us many things about how to fight. We are taught to be selfish. To look out for #1. Women are taught to not take anything from men… And yet, those “fighting styles” that are touted to be the “secrets to a… Read More

Keeping it Simple – Lessons in Household Management

While I love adding a flourish to everyday life – sipping out of cute tea cups, decorating my house, working on cute craft projects, etc. – I have also learned that in order to survive (and thrive) within my home, I need to keep some things simple! It’s my key to living a productive life. Welcome… Read More

The Importance of Biblical Peacemaking {New Series}

If you are around anyone long enough, or develop friendships of any kind, conflict is bound to happen. We live in a fallen world with sin all around us. Conflict happens each and every day. Welcome to my all new series, Biblical Peacemaking for Families: Resolving Conflict by God’s Grace! You can catch up on all… Read More

God-Centered Activity Ideas for Summer

By Erica, Contributing Writer Summer is so fun, as long as you aren’t 8 or 9 months pregnant! The hot weather comes and it can become unbearable in some parts of the country (ahem, Phoenix!!),  but I love how it makes couch potatoes into adventure hounds. I want to encourage you, that before this warm weather… Read More

Being Intentional With your Bank Account – Setting Goals

You can’t change your financial situation unless you also change the way you’re doing something. – Crystal Paine Properly handling finances takes hard work, diligence, large amounts of self-discipline, a prayer filled life, and good communication with your husband. Finances also just so happen to be the biggest thing that couples fight about. In an… Read More

Exercising Godliness: The Best Type of Exercise

By Erica, Contributing Writer Bodily exercise is beneficial, but the Bible teaches that we should exercise ourselves unto godliness first and foremost. Looking into God’s Word we find out a little about exercise according to 1 Timothy 4:7,8, “But refuse profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness. For bodily exercise profiteth little:… Read More

Learning the Art of Discipline as a Homemaker

Self-discipline is one of the biggest things I’ve struggled with as a homemaker. I start off motivated with a brilliant idea that I’m going to start reading my Bible for an hour a day, spend at least that praying, and reading other Gospel-Centered books. The result? I end up burnt out and behind from day… Read More

Learning Self-Discipline Must First Start with Christ

Discipline is perhaps my greatest struggle when it comes to being an efficient homemaker and Christ-follower. I deeply lack self-discipline and it comes back to bite me again and again. The largest lesson I’ve had to learn in my life, is how to be self-disciplined so I can effectively and efficiently run my household. Do… Read More

How to Turn Your Homemaking Goals into a Reality

Last week we covered the very important task of developing (and writing down) goals for your life and your home so that you can be a more effective homemaker. Today we are going to take those goals and break them down into bite-sized, manageable pieces so we can take those goals and make them a… Read More
