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The Young Wife’s Guide Blog

Pregnancy Update! My Twin Boys :)

In just a few short months, hubby and I will be meeting our twin boys! They are due January 17th, 2013 and I realized today that I haven’t updated you all on my progress in a while. Here is a quick re-cap to fill you in on our story: In May we found out that… Read More

The Truth About Sugar: Artificial Sweeteners

Eating a whole/real foods diet can seem challenging. When I first began discovering whole foods, I was really confused and overwhelmed. There is so much conflicting information out there on what is healthy and what isn’t. One area I was very confused about was sugar and artificial sweeteners. One of the things that led me to… Read More

The Truth About Sugar: Why We Need to Cut Back

A discussion of whole foods doesn’t get very far without first addressing grains, and then sugar. Yes, sugar is a “natural” food but our white sugar we eat is highly processed and refined just like white flour. Just like the refining process for wheat, when sugar is refined from sugar cane and sugar beet, 99.9% of it’s… Read More

The Truth About Grains: White vs. Whole Wheat

During my Real foods Explained series, I have shared my journey to whole foods, what a whole/real foods diet is, and 4 benefits to eating whole foods. Now I would like to transition into some more practical topics of what it means to be a whole foods diet. Before starting on my whole foods journey… Read More

Understanding our Roles as Biblical Women

I take my role as a Biblical woman very seriously. I know that the Lord has a plan for my life. Currently, my primary role is as wife to my husband Jason and future Mommy to the twins preparing to make their way into this world in December. I am a homemaker. A wife. A mother-to-be. A cook…. Read More

Overcoming my Struggle with Anxiety

I struggle with anxiety. I have for as long as I can remember. I didn’t know what it was at the time, but I used to wake up as a teenager with panic attacks. I dwell on things and let them consume my mind. About 18 months ago I was having a pleasant day at… Read More

Learning Lessons from the Proverbs 31 Woman

ANOTHER post on the Proverbs 31 woman? Yes. Why another post? Because the teachings found in Proverbs 31 are fundamanetal to understanding our role as Biblical women.  I have heard women complain before that they don’t want to hear about the Proverbs 31 excellent wife again. To some, the excellent wife seems like such an impossibly… Read More

Practical & Frugal Tips on Dressing Modestly

I am passionate about Biblical Modesty and want to follow what the Lord commands us to in regards to modesty. And any talk of modesty quickly turns to clothing. Thankfully, with the internet, we now have many great options of buying modest clothing online even if we can’t find clothing in our local stores. I… Read More

Where (and how) to buy modest clothing

During A Modest Heart series, we have taken a look at what Scripture has to say about Modesty, what a HEART of modesty really looks like, and  what modesty is {and isn’t}. Now I want to get even more practical and share some great tips on buying modest clothing. Come back on Monday for tips… Read More

We are having Twin… {The big gender reveal}

Ever since we found out that we are having TWINS, we have been so excited to find out if they are both boys, both girls, or a boy and a girl. We have been dreaming and waiting to find out. Well this weekend we found out what we are having and announced it to our… Read More
