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The Young Wife’s Guide Blog

Crockpot Apple Sauce {Autumn Favorites}

It has been so fun celebrating Fall here with Autumn favorites all month long! We had some fabulously cool weather last week, and it even sprinkled once! But it’s back up in the 80’s again this week. But I’m making it Fall in my house this week with some delicious crockpot apple sauce. It’s so simple and… Read More

Our Twin’s Names {The Big Name Reveal}

We are so excited to announce that we have settled on our twins names! If you are new around here {Welcome!} then you might not know that we are expecting twin boys in December 🙂 We had so much fun announcing that we were having twin boys to our family and friends with the photo above. And so I… Read More

Whole Wheat Cinnamon Rolls

My Autumn Favorites series this month has been so much fun for me because I have been able to make all our favorite recipes again! And since not all of these recipes are always very healthy (as in, we should only eat them once a year), I love coming across yummy and healthy not too… Read More

Motherhood: More than Meets the Eye {New Series}

You have a job. Whether you work out of the house or not, if you have (or are having, or will have) babies, you have a job. A mission. Some support and others slander your position. But what is your position? What do you actually do? Are you coping with raising children while your husband… Read More

Crockpot Caramel Apple Cider Recipe {Autumn Favorites}

My Autumn Favorites just wouldn’t be compete without an apple cider recipe! I love apple cider and my family loves the occasional treat of Caramel Apple Cider! The best part is, you can make this in the crockpot. It makes such a lovely smell in the house and is a wonderful treat on a cold fall day…. Read More

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies Recipe {Autumn Favorites}

It is still really hot here! It doesn’t feel like Fall yet but my hubby and I love cool weather, warm food, candles, snuggling and lots of reading. So I make it fall in our house anyway. I turn the air conditioner up on these hot hot days, snuggle in under warm blankets, light some spice candles, make… Read More

Crockpot Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe {Autumn Favorites}

We are getting into the swing of October with my second Fall favorite recipe! Yesterday I featured a yummy Pumpkin Cream Cheese Bread and today I will be sharing Crockpot Pumpkin Spice Latte! Get new Autumn recipes, decorating tips, dinners, and more during Autumn Favorites! As soon as Fall hits, the first thing we have… Read More

Pumpkin Cream Cheese Bread Recipe {Autumn Favorites}

Welcome to my first recipe during Autumn Favorites month! Come back all month long for many more recipes, decorating ideas, and activities all with a fun Fall theme. Pumpkin Cream Cheese Bread Pumpkin & cream cheese. Two of my favorite things ever! Wrap that up inside a small loaf of bread = Pure Heaven. Next time… Read More

The Truth About Fat: Is Eating “Low Fat” Healthy?

Welcome back to another edition of Real Foods Explained series.  Catch up on the rest of the series. For a while the latest diet craze was “low fat”. Skim dairy, low fat foods, margarine, ect. This seemed the “key” to losing weight and staying healthy. I grew up eating margarine and don’t even remember having real fatty butter in… Read More
