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The Young Wife’s Guide Blog

Young, In Love, and Pregnant: Our Journey To Parenthood

Yes, we are young. We were young to get married and we are young to be having our first two babies {it’s Twins}. I will have 2 babies before I am 23 years old. And we wouldn’t have it any other way. Just as our wedding was planned so are these babies {okay we were… Read More

Young Wife’s Guide to Natural Pregnancy & Beyond Series

If you are new around here, my husband and I are expecting twin boys in December. These are our first babies, we are new parents, and so excited! Pregnancy has been a fun journey so far. God’s timing was so perfect when we found out that we were pregnant with our first baby! 3 months… Read More

3 Ways to Have a Lazy Husband

By Blair Allen, Guest Writer If you have ever spent time on internet message boards you are probably all too familiar with “husband bashing”.  Here I have compiled a list of what seems to be a sure fire way to have a lazy husband. 1) Never let him be right When having a discussion with… Read More

Scrumptious Snickerdoodles Recipe {Autumn Favorites}

This is one of my favorite recipes of all time! These Snickerdooodles are so simple and easy to make. A great recipe to make for a party or for having people over. I love making a batch of these and eating them with a cup of hot tea 🙂 You can find more fall recipes… Read More

Perfect Apple Pie Recipe {Autumn Favorites}

All month long here at Young Wife’s Guide we have been celebrating with all our Autumn favorites from crockpot pumpkin spice lattes to whole wheat cinnamon rolls. This month has been jam packed with lots of yummy fall favorites. Today I want to share my husbands favorite dessert: Apple Pie! He loves it and always begs me… Read More

Fully Engaged – 3 Ways to Keep Your Marriage Clicking

Marriage is a wonderful, God-given institution. But the truth is, it can also be difficult and very unpleasant. We can find ourselves in a very unfulfilling relationship with our spouse before we know it. How did we get here? Marriage seemed so easy at first, but now it seems so hard. Photo by photodonny Marriage gets… Read More

5 Marks of a Biblical Marriage

We all want to have a thriving marriage right? We want to be happy, fulfilled, and loved within our marriage and for our spouse to meet our needs. Wanting some of these in our marriages isn’t necessarily bad, but neither are they the point of marriage. What makes up a Gospel-Centered, Biblical Marriage? Here are… Read More

Pumpkin Coffee Creamer Recipe {Autumn Favorites}

I have another yummy pumpkin recipe for you today during my Autumn Favorites series! I can never get enough pumpkin and that includes in my coffee. [print_this] Pumpkin Spice Coffee Creamer Ingredients: 1 Cup of whole milk 1 Cup of organic heavy whipping cream 4-5 Tablespoons of pumpkin puree 1 teaspoon of pumpkin spice 4 Tablespoons Pure Maple… Read More

10 Great Marriage Resources for Forming a Solid Union

Marriage can be a wonderful and also a stressful thing! We can go through times of bliss and times of strife quicker than we realize. Slowly, over the years, selfishness sets in and your spouse is no longer the priority in your life. Little by little marriages can get pulled apart. A way that we… Read More

The Most Amazing Pumpkin Scones {Autumn Favorites}

My Autumn Favorites series wouldn’t be complete without at least one scone recipe! I know some people don’t like scones but we LOVE scones in our house. Any kind – strawberry, blueberry, and yes, even pumpkin! I love making a pot of tea and pulling out these pumpkin scones for a delicious fall treat! [print_this] Amazing Pumpkin… Read More
