Trusting Your Plans to the Lord Part 2
If you missed it, read Part 1 of Trusting Your Plant to the Lord.
Living by God’s timing and direction
After waiting three years, the opportunity presented itself. Oh no, wait. God presented it.
After coming to terms with the fact that we would live 8 hours away from our family for years to come…
After starting the long search for homes to buy and investing many hours in hunting for one…
After 4 years and 3 churches later we finally found the church that we knew we could call home and grow in for many years to come…
After digging our heels in and forming relationships within our church…
After obeying the Biblical command of hospitality and opening our hearts and our home to others…
After FINALLY feeling content with our life, our home, our church, and our family being far away for this period on our life…
We got the call. Jason had an opportunity to interview for a promotion in an office an hour and a half away from our family (both of our families live within 20 minutes of each other)!
This is the exact opportunity we have been waiting years for. This is the closest office to our family that he could work out of.
The thing that seemed so unbelievable is that the exact promotion that Jason wanted to move into would have to open up at the right time in the the right office. The chances of that happening could take years and years to line up. And that’s what we thought, it would take many more years to be able to move back home.

But God lined everything up in His perfect timing.
Jason drove up to interview and by the next week the offer was signed and accepted.
We drove up over Easter went to a few cities we have never been to before, found a great apartment, and got it all done.
Now we are busy packing and waiting for the move in 4 weeks from today! I turned in my resignation from my job and are awaiting the moving day.
So many happy things happening. But you know what? In the beginning of this we were tense. Happy to be near family but sad at what we were leaving behind.
We had finally built a life here. We had real friendships that were growing. We were connected to our church and so thankful that he led us to such a Biblically sound and loving church.
We are moving to an unknown city (who knows what kind of churches are there). We are starting over from scratch AGAIN. No friends, no one we know, new town…It is sudden and unexpected.

But every time in our marriage that we get stressed about the future all we have to do is look back over the course of where God has taken us.
The Lord provided a career for my husband straight out of college that he never intended to go into but now loves.
The Lord provided me with steady income to help contribute to our family in this season until I am home full time.
The Lord has ALWAYS provided and we have never gone without the necessities.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
He has directed our paths. We simply need to trust in Him. We have learned time and again that the Lord is the one directing our paths. We could have no way imagined what He was about to lead us to a month ago.
The timing is beyond perfect, so many things have lined up to make this the best possible time.
We are sad to leave behind good friendships and a solid church but we have faith that the Lord will lead us to a new church and into new friendships.
Most importantly, we are following his direction for our lives and moving closer to our family, something that we have been praying for for years.
The Lord listens to and answers our prayers if they are according to His will. It’s just not normally on our time frame. He is Good and we are finally content on waiting on and trusting in HIS plans, not our own.
A whole new season of our lives is about to begin and I am eager to see what the Lord will do!