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Standing Up For Family: Raising a Christ Centered Household {Part 2}

on May 3, 2013 by Jami Balmet 0 comments

Read part 1 about raising a Christ centered family HERE!

Starting a family, watching it grow, and learning to bring glory to God as a family unit is no longer seen as the ideal by much of our society. The family of mom, dad, and kids is under attack and many don’t know what it means to have a family that glorifies God. Today we will take a look at what it really means to have a Biblical family.

Over 20 free resources for raising a chirst centered family
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A Christ Centered Family

In response to the current crises of families falling apart, John MacArthur writes,

“The only hope is for Christians to proclaim and reassert the divine standard from God’s Word–and especially to live it out in their own family lives. Christians must hold firmly to the distinctive biblical pattern for the family. And the church must begin again to articulate without fear or shame what the Word of God says about the family.” ~ Answering Key Questions About the Family

In order to have a family that brings glory and honor to God, you must first have a firm foundation on which to stand for the family – and that’s God’s Word! Here are some basics about the family as well as FREE resources for further study on the subject!


Husbands are to lead their family and love their wife. Family worship should begin with the husband. He needs to take responsibility for and lead his family.

He is the one responsible for his family’s spiritual growth. Many men do not lead their families like they should!

“Husbands, love your wives and do not be embittered against them.” ~ Colossians 3:19

“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” ~ Ephesians 5:25

 “For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior.” ~ Ephesians 5:23

Resources on Biblical Manhood/Being a Husband & Father:


Wives are called by Christ to love their husbands, love their children, and submit joyfully to their husbands. It’s not always easy but we are called to love and care for our family. Without the mother, a family would quickly fall apart.

“Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord.” ~ Ephesians 5:22

Older women are to,

“train the young women to love their husbands and children” ~Titus 2:4

Resources on Biblical Womanhood/Being a Wife & Mother


Children are to obey and honor their parents.

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you.” ~ Exodus 20:12

As parent who are trying to honor the Lord we must teach them how to obey us. The goal of our parenting is not to make our children obey us, but rather to learn obedience, self control, and to love the Lord.

“God calls you to exercise authority, not in making your children do what you want, but in being true servants – authorities who lay down your lives. The purpose of your authority in the lives of your children is not to hold them under your power, but to empower them to be self-controlled people living freely under the authority of God.” ~ Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp

Resources on Biblical Parenting:

Resources on Family in General:

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