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The Young Wife’s Guide Blog

Teaching Our Kids About the Gift of Sex in Marriage

By Michael Griffith, Contributing Writer “Now concerning matters about which you wrote, “It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights,… Read More

Laying the Ground Rules for Creating a Firm Financial Foundation

By Shari Miller, Contributing Writer Marriages are made of stories woven together, both good and bad, that form a foundation that will either stand the test of time, or crumble like the sifting sand. Within some marriages, you may find the following story ringing true. The wife knows she is running late and her husband will… Read More

So What’s The Deal With Raw Milk?

This year I am committing to transform my family’s diet and get healthy! Join me this month to learn about our journey with my series – Feed Your Family ~ Eating Healthy on a Budget As a homemaker, one of my primary responsibilities is making sure that my family eats a healthy diet. I have been on… Read More

Feeding My Family Grass Fed & Free Range Meats

One of my first commitments this year is to feed my family a healthy real/whole foods diet without killing our budget! So this month I am going on a journey to discover what real healthy eating means and how to do this while on a budget. You can read more in my healthy eating series here. Photo by Beckwith-Zink… Read More

Setting the Atmosphere of the Home – 3 Ways to Glorify God

By Justyn Lang, Contributing Writer We have all heard the saying, “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!” Horrid grammar, but it’s so true. We ladies have the power to set the atmosphere in our homes. When the wife/mama is calm, cheerful and content, everybody in the house can feel it. We’re like thermostats. Sure, the… Read More

So What’s the Deal with Locally Grown?

This post is part of my Feed Your Family ~ Eating Healthy on a Budget series. Last week I covered what the deal with organic food is. We took a look at what organic means, how to identify it, and some tips on buying organic produce. But a look at organic food doesn’t get far… Read More

So What’s the Deal with Organic?

When “organic” started becoming popular a few years ago, I did not jump on the bandwagon. I thought that the only reason people bought organic was to “help” the environment and that  it was a gimmicky fad. Let’s just say I wasn’t {and am still not} an Al Gore fan. I’ll leave it at that. But as I… Read More

Feed Your Family ~ Eating Healthy on a Budget {New Series}

When I got married at 19 I knew very little about being a homemaker. I didn’t spend my teenage years learning how to cook and run my future household from my mother the way I should have. My mother is a great cook and yet I didn’t take the time to learn from her the way… Read More

Keeping Your Marriage Strong Through the Storms

By Jolene Engle, Contributing Writer When I thought about writing on the topic of keeping your marriage strong during trials, I thought, “Yeah, that has my name written ALL. OVER. IT! My man and I will be celebrating 15 years of marriage next month.  Awe, doesn’t that sound wonderful in today’s society? Well, here’s the… Read More

Newborn Pictures {Malachi & Micah}

Last month we shared that Jason and I welcomed twin baby boys into our home on December 26 at 4:19 am. The day after Christmas our world changed forever. Now as we approach them being 7 weeks old {where has the time gone??} we are finally starting to settle into a routine and life seems to… Read More
