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The Young Wife’s Guide Blog

Week 36 Pregnancy Update – Twin Boys Growing Well!

I have been updating Facebook a bit with what has been going on so far but haven’t filled you in completely. I am currently 36 weeks and 6 days. We are amazed and so thankful that I have lasted this long! Praise the Lord! These babies will be coming any time now. In case you missed our story,… Read More

How to Avoid Exhaustion This Christmas

By Auntie Em, Contributing Writer: you can read part one: Tips for Avoiding Financial Stress this Christmas, part two Tips for Avoiding Family Tradition Stress This Christmas, and part three Overcoming Overcommitment: Ways to Simplify Christmas. The holidays are a time for wonderful memories to be made, families to enjoy, new recipes to try, gifts to be bought and wrapped,… Read More

Marriage is a Gift from God

By Jolene Engle, Contributing Writer On December 19, 1997, on a sandy beach in Southern California, my Beloved etched words in the sand asking me to be his wife. With an overwhelming love for him, I said yes!  I knew at that moment that God handed me, sinful, vile me, a beautiful gift that I was… Read More

Preparing for a Natural Labor & Delivery

Natural Pregnancy is the topic of discussion this month! Last week I shared 10 steps you can take toward a natural pregnancy and birth. I am preparing to have twin boys any day now and this topic has been on my mind lately. A lot! Source I have my hospital bag packed, my birth plan… Read More

Dear Wife, Your Husband is not Superman

By Shari Miller, Contributing Writer Walking down the aisle twenty years ago, to meet the man of my dreams, I had some pretty high ideals of  what our life together would be like. I expected a marriage with no problems,  a white house with a picket fence, a couple of children, with my knight in shining armor standing right… Read More

How Pregnancy Can Lead to Healthy Choices

By Hilary Kimes Bernstein, Guest Post Source I’ll never forget what it was like to find out I was pregnant with my first child. I could hardly wait to take my pregnancy test, but planned to hold off until my first morning urine so I could get an accurate result. Because my teensy baby was… Read More

10 Steps Towards a Natural Pregnancy & Birth

Natural Pregnancy – What is it?? I have been on a journey the past few years of discovering what it means to be healthy and make healthy choices for my family. So when I got pregnant for the first time {we thought it was only 1 baby at that time}, I knew I had a lot… Read More

My Dream of Becoming a Stay at Home Mom: How We Made it a Reality

When Jason and I got married, we did so with a few understandings between us already established. Jason would be the primary provider for our family I would stay home full time once we had kids We would homeschool our kids We both came into marriage with these three expectations. We both desired these three things and… Read More

7 Reasons We Are Starting a Family Young

So many people ask us why. Why would we get married so young. And why would we choose to start a family so young. Simply put: Children are a blessing from the Lord. But of course there is more to it than that. Update: Our Twin boys were born on December 26, 2012. Say hello… Read More

Our Maternity Photo Shoot

If you are new around here then let me share that we are expecting twin boys, Malachi & Micah, very soon! I am only 32 weeks but have been on bed rest now for 2 weeks. The goal is to get these babies to 34 weeks but we could be meeting them any day now… Read More
