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The Young Wife’s Guide Blog

Fun Gift Idea ~ Personalized Tea Box

February is upon us which means many celebrations in our household. Mine and my husband’s dating anniversary is the 1st of February. Valentine’s day is of course sandwiched in here and we also have many family and friends birthdays throughout the month. Homemade gifts become very important this time of year. They save money, provide fun for kids… Read More

10 Free or Cheap Valentine’s Day Gifts

It’s officially February and that means it’s time to get ready for Valentine’s Day! You only have TEN days left to prepare. But Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to cost and arm and a leg. A Biblical Marriage wants to help you celebrate Valentine’s Day with your friends, your kids, and your spouse with these 10… Read More

Do You Need a ‘Do-Over’ in Your Marriage?

By Jolene Engle, Contributing Writer New Year’s Resolutions… I’m not too fond of making them, but what I am fond of is looking at a New Year with a fresh start.  And sometimes that’s exactly what a marriage needs… A ‘Do-Over’. I believe every couple should take a step back and look at their marriage and… Read More

Your Best Accountability Partner ~ Your Spouse!

By Rachel O’Neill, Contributing Writer “Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow.” Ecclesiastes 4:9 Carefully crafting New Year’s Resolutions is one of my favorite parts of the holiday season. I love to sit down and review my life-… Read More

Rekindling Romance eBooklet & Printables Kit

Romance is a big part of marriage, and can be a very enjoyable part at that. But it often seems to wither and perhaps even die as the years go on, and you and your spouse just don’t treat each other the way you did when you were dating. It seems that romance can be… Read More

Why I Choose to Respect My Husband Even When He Doesn’t Deserve it!

By Jolene Engle, Contributing Writer We sat across the table chatting one night and that’s when he asked me… “Why do you respect me even when I don’t deserve your respect?”   “After all, I’m lazy.” “I leave my stuff out all over the place.” “And I don’t do enough for you and our family.”… Read More

Staying Connected After Having a Baby

By Blair Allen, Contributing Writer In the past four years Brandon and I have had three children, bringing the grand total of children in our home to five.  Through that process we have learned a thing two about navigating the initial postpartum phase. (Praise the Lord!) We have far from perfected this but do feel qualified… Read More

Our Twin Boys Are Here! {And 2012 recap}

2012 was a great year for our family! Young Wife’s Guide was started in February. My husband and I started a new contributor blog, A Biblical Marriage, in October. I also started my own blog design business, Fount of Inspiration, over the summer. I got to attend a fabulous blogging conference in October and meet many wonderful women… Read More

Should Christians Make New Years Resolutions?

By Sue Peppers, Contributing Writer There is something about January 1st, the beginning of a new year, which makes us to want to start over; to renew; to make changes in our old ways. It’s an old custom that began about 3,000 years ago with the Babylonians. It’s not at all “unbiblical” to want to… Read More
