What does it mean to truly thrive in your home with Crystal Paine? – Hf #155
When you are feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and living in a general state of survival mode…there is no one I turn to more than Crystal Paine. She has time and again helped me prioritize and plan out new routines and habits in my home. I love how practical helpful she is and in today’s episode… Read More
Parenting & Homemaking with Large Age Gaps in my Kids with Amy & Jennifer – Hf #147
Do you have a large age gap among your kid and your wondering how to get it all done AND still spend quality time with the different ages and kids? Because I’m not equipped to answer this question at all, I have two wonderful ladies this week on the show to share some fabulous advice… Read More
Finding the time for hobbies (and how I find the time to write!) – Hf #142
As a busy wife, mom, woman, and so on…life can feel so busy and full. We run around trying to do everything we can for everyone. But we seldom stop to do anything for ourselves. I’m not talking about indulging hours a day to watch soap operas but rather taking some calculated time to invest… Read More
When you are in a breakfast (and cooking) slump! – Hf #139
Are you stuck in a meal planning rut? Or struggling with healthy breakfast ideas? You are not alone!! Listen in to today’s episode as we share some tips and tricks for meal planning and breakfast! Listen to the Podcast: We also recorded this blog post as an audio podcast. If you want to listen in… Read More
When Your Day Feels Like it’s on Repeat…and it’s exhausting! – Hf #135
Do you ever feel like your days are on repeat? Are you exhausted just thinking about tomorrow? Do you feel like you are on the hamster wheel of little kids? Or a chronic illness? Or just having a hard time finding a little joy in your day? Today we are covering all of that and more!… Read More
Defending Your Choice to be a Homemaker – Hf #131
Choosing to spend the bulk of our time, energy, and attention on our family and our home can be a very unpopular decision these days. I know there are people in my own life who don’t understand the decision so when I got a question from a reader about this topic, I knew it was… Read More
Natural Summer Essentials – Hf #127
We’ve been on a roll talking about Summer things lately! We kicked it off by talking about Summer hospitality, then talked about making memories with your family during the summer and now we are talking about one of my favorite things: Natural summer essentials! Listen to the Podcast: We also recorded this blog post as… Read More
How to use a grain mill Q&A! – Hf #124
I’ve been sharing a lot lately about how our family has been grinding our own grain this year…and how much we LOVE it!! Back in episode #19 I shared our routine for doing this and how it’s actually very easy to do even with a houseful of kids and a busy schedule! Since that episode,… Read More
Little ways to focus on Scripture throughout your day! (For you & the kids!)
Please note: This is a sponsored post by Inscribing Truth but all opinions are 100% my own…and I really do love and use these cards 😀 I seem to keep having conversation after conversation lately with women who are “burnt-out”, “overwhelmed”, and trudging through survival mode. Maybe it’s because I’ve been there so many times… Read More
My 9 Favorite Homemaking Things for April!
Last week I shared my full review of the 2018 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle. It’s on sale for only about 24 more hours and I’ve had a lot of questions this weekend about what my favorite items inside the bundle are. So today I’m going to share my top 10 favorite things in the bundle and… Read More