Freezer Cooking Resources
The way that I freezer cook is by buying a whole month’s worth of groceries and doing a marathon day of cooking and then enjoying those homemade meals all month long from my freezer.
Some months I get busy and just end up with the stapels in my freezer i.e. rice, beans, spaghetti sauce, bread and tortillas. While there are many different methods of freezer cooking, the key is to figure out what works best for YOU.

Freezer Cooking Resources
Pinterest is of course a great resource in this! I have a freezer cooking board so that whenever I come across recipes or tips I have them all in one spot. Start out by following my freezer cooking board and then create your own!
Once a Month Mom
Perhaps the biggest once a month websites, Once a Month Mom is packed FULL of helpful tips and recipes. They have a new menu each month so you just have to pick the menu you want for the month and follow their directions. Super simple (but for some reason I never really got on board with their style, tried it once and but it didn’t stick for me-others swear by this website). They have different menus for everyone including a Traditional menu, a Wholefoods menu, Vegetarian menu and more!
They also have some terrific articles to get you started like instructions for OAMC, Get Real (A Wholefoods series), How to create your own menu, Kitchen tips, and more!

Money Saving Mom
Money Saving Mom has an excellent article with lots of tips on how she does freezer cooking complete with some awesome free printables! She also has a resource page for Freezer Cooking 101 and a fabulous series on how to save money on your grocery budget!

Life as Mom
She has a great series on freezer cooking with many articles such as some basics, doing freezer cooking with kids, methods of storage.
Stacy Makes Cents
Stacy made the big switch to eating whole foods and offers some fabulous tips on storing whole foods such as in jars and the freezer. She also shares some insight on how she does freezer cooking and shares some great pictures on how to fit it all in your freezer (even if you only have a small single freezer)!
Creative Christian Mama
Creative Christian Mama shares some good advice on how she does freezer cooking and how you can save money freezer cooking. Saving money is one of the main reasons that I freezer cook! She also shares about how to pull meals from what you already have in your freezer and pantry, another great way to save money!

The Marathon Mom
The Marathon Mom is a fabulous blogger who shares her own freezer cooking tips as well as a great post on stocking your freezer full of meals in preparation of a coming baby!

Once-a-Month Cooking: Family Favorites
This fabulous cookbook is what got me into freezer cooking in the first place. If you are feeling overwhelmed by freezer cooking, then start with this simple and easy to follow cookbook that does all the work for you from menu planning, to grocery list planning, to processing and how to cook your month’s full of meals!

More in the Freezer Cooking Series:
Freezer Cooking: Has Changed My Life
Once a Month Cooking: Family Favorites {Cookbook Review}
An Introduction to Freezer Cooking
Freezer Cooking Methods
How to Save Money Freezer Cooking
How I Do Freezer Cooking: A Look Into My Kitchen
Freezer Cooking Resources
More posts to come in this series, subscribe my email below or follow me on Facebook so you don’t miss a post!