Getting organized for summer!
Does this happen to anyone else? My days get packed full of summer bible studies, days at the park, camping trips, church picnics, chores…and not to mention lots of blogging work {and it’s HARD to sit on a computer all day with the sun shining outside}! All of these things are good and many of them I should spend my time doing….but it gets so hard to organize it all!
5 Ways to Get Organized This Summer
Don’t let summer pass you by! I’ve learned that I need to get organized {and STAY organized} so that I can actually do things I want to during summer. Here are some tips I’ve learned:
1) Get a good daily planner
A daily planner is a MUST for me. But I have some strict requirements when it comes to what planner will work well for me. And it’s really hard to find. In a planner I want:
- A monthly view so I can write down things like doctor’s appointments and see them all at once!
- A weekly view because I need to see each week at a glance and be able to write down daily things like blog posts and our dinner meal plan
- Lots of space to take notes, jot down contact information, and make shopping list.
Basically I want a master organization tool that I can have out with me in the kitchen to make my shopping list, by my computer to help with work, and something I can throw in my purse quickly. Check out my FAVORITE planner: the Homemaker’s Friend daily planner. {BTW you can get a FREE 2013 planner when you order the new 2014 planner right now – find out more!}
2) Become a list maker
I think I am a natural born list maker, but even if you are not, I would urge you to take up list making just for the summer to try it out.
I don’t know about you, but during the summer my brain becomes chaotic! There are so many parties, outings, fun things and other commitments PLUS normal housekeeping, menu planning, grocery shopping, ect. It can be crazy to keep track of it all.
So this summer I urge you to try making lists. It will help you in a couple ways:
1) When you make a list, you can stop worrying and thinking about everything. Just relax knowing it’s all down on your list and you won’t forget it!
2) When you make a list, you can prioritize the important things. See why this is important in the next point!
3) Do the important {or boring} stuff first!
Usually when I start my day, I start by doing the easy things first. I hop on the computer to check my email “real quick” and 2 hours later have not accomplished anything significant.
By making a list and putting that list in a planner that I can carry around with me, I am better able to prioritize what needs to get done. This way I can get my bible reading done everyday, meals on the table, and other important things I need to get done!
4) Plan FUN time into your schedule
This is a big one for me. When I start envisioning how my day will look, I usually pile on WAY too much stuff. I try to get 15 things done when really I can only get 4 and I stumble into bed exhaustive.
This then leads to burn out and fatigue, which isn’t good for anyone in my family! So by actually scheduling in some time to read or relax with my husband then I’m investing in my family and my marriage!
5) Don’t neglect your Bible reading and time with God
This is another BIG one that gets neglected for me during the summer. Because the summer time usually has a wacky schedule and so many different things going on, my time spent with the Lord really suffers.
So I’ve been getting better about putting this as the FIRST thing on my to do list each day and writing in my planner to help. This gives me daily reminders and encouragement to make it a daily habit!
Introducing the Homemaker’s Friend
A big help in managing my crazy schedule as a wife, mother of twins, and business owner is with my daily planner. And as I said above, I am picky about my daily planner! It has to have everything I need.
Well I have found a wonderful solution that I want to share with you! It’s called the Homemaker’s Friend Daily Planner.
What I Love
This planner pretty much has everything I need! It hits all my major requirements. It has the perfect monthly and weekly views like I said I like above. It also has specific tabs for tasks, projects, info, and shopping!! For a list maker like me, this is heaven!! Order your copy here!
The last section is really neat. The shopping list section includes lists that tear right out of the planner so that you can take the list with you or throw it out when you are done! Order your copy here!
PLUS the planners are just plain cute – which is very important to me 😉 I love having a cute planner…it makes me want to use it more! And they have a pretty cool deal going on right now! If you purchase the new 2014 planner you get the 2013 planner for FREE! You still have half a year to use the 2013 planner so order today and get two planners for the price of one! Order your copy here!
Do you use a planner? What is your favorite thing about using a planner?