Learning Lessons from the Proverbs 31 Woman
ANOTHER post on the Proverbs 31 woman? Yes. Why another post? Because the teachings found in Proverbs 31 are fundamanetal to understanding our role as Biblical women.
I have heard women complain before that they don’t want to hear about the Proverbs 31 excellent wife again. To some, the excellent wife seems like such an impossibly high standard so why bother trying. Still others feel that the excellent wife is just used to push them down and make them feel like failures. These women are sick of hearing of the “perfect” excellent wife.
But I pray that you do not fall into this thinking. We can learn so much from the excellent wife and it is vital to know what God’s standards are.

What we can learn from the Excellent Wife
The Proverbs 31 woman is cherished by her husband. Her husband trusts in her and is his companion in life.
She is industrious and works with her hands. She is not afraid to roll up her sleeves and get down to business. She is up before anyone else in her household and goes to bed last.
This woman works hard and it’s all for her husband and children!
This woman has a quiet and gentle spirit. She is submissive to her husband and loves her children. And yet, she works hard and brings in income for her family.
We can learn from the excellent wife because she should be our standard. This is the picture of the ideal woman. Some days we may fail miserably at this, and that’s okay–as long as we are striving to be Godly women.
She is selfless and works HARD for her family. We must look to her example and learn from her.
Why it is Vital to know Her Story
The passage about the excellent wife in Proverbs 31 was not originally told to a woman. It was originally spoken by a Queen who was instructing her son on what to look for in a wife.
This was meant to be the ultimate guide for looking for a wife. As a King, this young man could take many foreign wives to secure political power and peace or have any beauty in the kingdom that he wanted.
But his wise mother knew better. She knew what makes an excellent wife and she instructed her son on what to look for.
We must know the story of the excellent wife so that we can not only instruct our own soul and shape our lives around this Biblical model, but so that we can teach our daughters to one day be this excellent wife and instruct our sons on what to look for in a wife.
It is vital that we train up each new generation to know this model and to expect it. My sisters are at the age that they are starting to seriously consider marriage as a near prospect and are looking for a Godly husband.
The problem is, the men around them are not looking for Godly women. They are not looking for these qualities found in Proverbs 31 and so Godly marriages are not forming.
We must instruct our sons and our daughters what the Proverbs 31 excellent wife looks like so that they can model their own lives after it and find spouses who do the same.
Memorize Her Story
I have found, that in order to have the excellent wife always in my head, I need to memorize her story. I need to meditate on what it is that makes her an excellent wife. I need to hide the wise Queen’s words in my heart so that I can model my own heart and behavior after her and so that I can teach it to my sons and daughters.
I made these Proverbs 31 cards to help me memorize her story and take the scripture along with me on the go. They also make excellent gifts for birthdays and Bible studies! Download them for FREE in my all new eBook: A Heart Prepared ~ A Simple and Effective Guide to Memorizing Scripture. Get it for FREE for a limited time! Sign up to get my free newsletter and instantly download this free eBook! Find out more about the eBook HERE.