Our Love Story {Part One}: How We Met and Started Dating
Our fifth wedding anniversary is coming up in just a few days. So I decided to re-post our love story. Young Wife’s Guide is dedicated to encouraging YOU where you are and I thought you might like to see a little bit of our story…
Our story begins nearly eight years ago. I was 16 when we met, he was 18. I was just about to finish my sophomore year of high school and he was just about to graduate.
How we met
We met of all places, at work. I had started as a bagger in a grocery store and then 2 months later he got a job as a checker. Two Christians who met and fell in love at a grocery store. Yup, that’s our story.
Everyone always assumes we met at church. But no, we got to know one another slowly over conversations in the break room and at the check-stand. Our shared love of reading and our fire for the Lord bonded us as friends from the beginning.
Secretly I had a crush on him from day one (he did too but I didn’t know that at the time). Over the next 9 months we continued to get to know each other. We found we had some mutual friends so we went to movies in groups and out for ice cream. Slowly our friendship blossomed.
On a few different occasions, friends and people we knew at work came up to both Jason and I separately and told us that they thought we would make a good couple because we had so much in common (secretly I agreed). But he showed no sign that he was interested (at least I thought so).
Our first date
After a long and confusing month (maybe I’ll tell you about it sometime) one of our friends got nosy and we found out that this thing was mutual. Not long after, he (FINALLY) worked up the courage to ask me out. We had our first date on February 1, 2007 at Starbucks.
He had the intention of talking through some things and making sure this whole “dating” thing looked the same to both of us. And we ended up being at Starbucks for 4 hours. Just talking about our families and getting to know one another.
And here, ladies and gentlemen, is our first picture taken together. (He was in karate at the time)

So there you go. I remind my sisters of this ALL the time. If you are single, pay attention to this story. Often it’s easy to get discouraged because there doesn’t seem to be anyone for you at church. But God works in wonderful ways. God brought me my husband without me looking for it AT WORK IN A GROCERY STORE. You never know!
Read the rest of our story:
- {Part one} How we met and started dating (you are here)
- {Part two} Our First Valentine’s Day Together
- {Part three} Our Engagement Story
- {Part four} Our Wedding