Practice Biblical Hospitality ~7 Resources to get you Started
Over the past several months Hospitality has become a main focus in our home. My husband and I began studying about it and felt convicted that part of our responsibility within the church and as Christians is to practice Biblical Hospitality. But this is not an often talked about topic within the American church today. I mean, I knew how to invite friends over but inviting NEW people from church you don’t know or even (gasp) non-Christian neighbors, the thought frightened me (and still does!).
But we have slowly been growing in what it means to practice Biblical hospitality and still have a long way to go. But along our journey we have run across many great resources and tips. I hope to share more in the coming months but here is a short list to get you started!
7 Resources to Help you Practice Biblical Hospitality
1) Practicing Hospitality: The Joy of Serving Others by Pat Ennis and Lisa Tatlock
I posted a review of Practicing Hospitality yesterday, so check that out for a detailed review but basically this the best book on Hospitality. Not only is it convicting and full of the Biblical reasons to practice hospitality, it is also chocked full of recipes, tips, tricks, and ideas. This is my #1 resource for practicing hospitality.
2) The Hospitality Commands by Alexander Strauch
This is a short and sweet book on the Biblical command of practicing hospitality. It gives a detailed yet manageable account of hospitality in the early New Testament church as well as numerous scripture references to God’s commands of practicing hospitality.
3) Hospitality, No Room for Excuses by Wendy Gunn
My friend and mentor Wendy Gunn over at Faith’s Firm Foundation has a heart for hospitality and recently wrote two fantastic posts on practicing hospitality.
Hospitality, No Room for Excuses (Part 1)
Hospitality, No Room for Excuses (Part 2)
4) Homemaking 101 by Jennifer of Renewing Housewives
A great DVD by Jennifer on the art of homemaking. If you feel completely lost when it comes to Hospitality and don’t know where to begin, this is a great place to start! Topics include how to manage time within your home, organizing, scheduling, cooking tips and so much more. All of which are essential to practicing hospitality.
5) Once-a-Month-Cooking: Family Favorites
I stumbled across this book one fateful day at Barnes and Noble on the clearance rack. I’m always looking for new cookbooks so I grabbed it without really looking and headed home with it. A few weeks later I cracked it open and my life has never been the same! Sounds dramatic? It is! Once a month cooking has revolutionized how I practice hospitality.
Freezer cooking allows me to spend less time in the kitchen and more time left to focus on my family and extending hospitality at the same time allowing me to cook more nutritious meals for my family. If you are new to freezer cooking this is a must have book. I’ll write a review soon.

6) Recipe Websites
7) Take Them A Meal
A great website full of recipes and tips on taking meals to people. They have many contributing writers who all share their ideas and tips on how to bring people meals when they are sick, just had a baby and more!
Have you stumbled across any great hospitality resources or tips! Please share, we can all learn in this area!
Do you want to learn more about hospitality?
You can sign up for my FREE 3-part video series on hospitality. We begin by first starting where any Gospel-Centered discussion should start: with the Bible! We then take that Biblical definition of hospitality and practically apply it with a beginner’s guide to hospitality – everything you need to know to have the confidence to start extending hospitality – today! Sign up HERE for free!