Pregnancy Update! My Twin Boys :)
In just a few short months, hubby and I will be meeting our twin boys! They are due January 17th, 2013 and I realized today that I haven’t updated you all on my progress in a while.
Here is a quick re-cap to fill you in on our story: In May we found out that we were pregnant 🙂 We were ready to start our family and so excited. We started trying in April and got pregnant in April, praise the Lord!
In May we told our family the good news by letting my mother-in-law unwrap a onsie that says “I Love my Grandma” for Mother’s Day.

12 Weeks Pregnant-This is BEFORE we knew it was Twins 🙂 No real change yet or baby bump.

16 weeks pregnant-In the span of 4 weeks we found out that we are having twins and that they are both boys! Not a lot of change yet but I could feel the baby bump coming!

And then BAM! By 18 weeks I had the baby bump! It came out of nowhere. Here I am at 19 weeks. So happy to finally be showing 🙂

Here I am at 20 weeks.

Now I am just growing like crazy! Here I am at 21 weeks.

They are kicking me constantly right now (and have wrestling matches no doubt).They won’t lay off my bladder but that’s okay! It’s all worth it. Daddy can feel their daily kicks now. And we already have the boys names picked out. Stay tuned for that announcement coming soon!