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HF #003: Setting the Atmosphere in Your Home for God’s Glory

on June 16, 2015 by Jami Balmet 0 comments

Welcome back to the third episode of my brand new podcast: The Homemaking Foundations Podcast Where we give you the tools, inspiration, and encouragement you need to craft a Gospel-Centered Home. In case you missed it, you can listen in to episode #1 here: What Does it Mean to be a Homemaker? and episode #2 here: Creating Simple Homemaking Routines That Work With Katie Bennett.

HF #3 - Setting the Atmosphere in the Home for God's Glory - Pinterest

The aim of my podcast is to give you the encouragement, inspiration, and tools you need to craft a Gospel-Centered Home and so one of the first things I want to talk about is setting the atmosphere in the home. I think this is where it all beings and where we can have the greatest impact as homemakers. What does the tone in your home say about you and your family?

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In This Episode, You Will Learn:

  • The importance of setting the atmosphere in your home
  • How to set an UN-glorifying atmosphere in your home
  • Why it’s important to make your home a haven
  • And 5 steps for creating a God-Glorifying atmosphere that points your family back to Christ!

[Tweet “Conduct yourself and your home in a way that your family is constantly thinking about God and how they can serve Him!”]

Episode summary

What does it mean to be a homemaker who glorifies God within her home? What tasks and things should we be focused on, and what can we lay aside for the sake of our family? That’s what we are going to dive into in this episode.

This quote has become my guiding post in creating an atmosphere in my home: “The wife and mother who views life as a “cross to bear” influences the others in the home to think the same way. She easily robs everyone else of joy and like the yeast in the bread she bakes, her ungodly attitudes spread to everyone else.” ~ Martha Peace, The Excellent Wife {Page 77}

Throughout this episode we will spend some time looking at why we should care as homemakers, wives, and mothers about the atmosphere in our home. Then we will briefly talk about some easy ways to set an UN-glorifying atmosphere within our home. And finally we will discuss 5 steps you can begin taking today to glorify God within your home by the tone and atmosphere that you set.

Links & Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Book of the Week:

Treasuring christTreasuring Christ When Your Hands are Full – Gloria Furman

This is one of my all time favorite books! If you are looking for some Gospel-Centered encouragement on the sometimes messy task of being a mother, then I highly recommend you go pick up this book TODAY!

I love this quote from the book: “The Christian mother’s hands are full with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Eph. 1:3) and her work in nurturing children in the fear of the Lord is her privileged participation in God’s work in uniting all things in Jesus (Eph. 1:10). This Jesus, whom we gladly serve, offers rest to mothers and fills our hands with his blessings. Day and night, moment by moment, we must choose to rest in Jesus. That’s what it means to treasure Christ when your hands are full, whether you have one child or a dozen.” – Treasuring Christ, page 17

Other Related Resources:


Thanks for Listening!

Thank you so much for listening in to my podcast. If you want to ask a question (that I will try to answer on the podcast) please leave me a voicemail below so I can feature you on the podcast and so I can cover what you want to hear! (Find out more about submitting a question here)

HF #3 - Setting the Atmosphere in Your Home for God's Glory

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  • Do you feel overwhelmed and like your house is out of control?
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