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Do you want to take a style challenge? Get it for FREE through today ($39)!!

on April 12, 2018 by Jami Balmet 0 comments

Pssst: This bonus has officially expired but don’t despair!! You can still purchase the 2018 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle through Monday, April 16th and it’s packed with over 130 incredible resources for you! Hope on over and read my full review of it here

I shared yesterday that the 2018 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle is HERE!! And unlike the past 4 years, this year is a NO BRAINER for me. 

Don’t get me wrong – I think the past years have had varying degrees of awesomeness but I think the 2018 bundle is the BEST ONE YET (it’s actually setting a very high bar for next year!) 😉 

One of the reasons I think this, is because of the early bird bonus that ends tonight!! You can read my full review from yesterday to find out the other reasons why I am excited about this year’s bundle (and how to determine if this is really right for you or not)!

The bundle is $29.97 and includes access to 129 resources AND several bonus items (that are really awesome)! 

AND if you purchase the bundle by tonight, Thursday April 12th, you will also get FREE access to this style challenge bonus (worth $39)!

Today I’m going to break down what this bonus style challenge is (because I didn’t fully understand it at first and I’ve been getting lots of questions about it)! But first: Here’s a quick recap of the bundle: 

What is the 2018 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle? 

The homemaking bundle is a brand new bundle that they come put with each year that contains dozens (hundreds) of resources to make your life as a homemaker easier. It contains eCourses, eBooks, printables, and other fun bonuses. 

This year’s bundle is PACKED with some really high value resources that make it very worth it in my opinion. For example, my Goal Setting for Greater Balance & Purpose in Your Home is part of the bundle!! I sell this course on my website for $29.95 on it’s own…and you can snag the bundle for just $29.97 and get my course AND everything else! 

The bundle itself ends on April 16th but you will get the style challenge bonus through tonight, April 12th!! 

Find out more and get your bundle here!


Get the style challenge for Free (worth $39)!

Okay so let’s chat about this free style challenge you get with the bundle! Actually, you get to choose from EIGHT different style challenges as your bonus. I’ll share below which one I picked. But here’s a little bit about it: 

Alison, the creator behind Get Your Pretty On has been running these style challenges for years! She helps you put together a capsule wardrobe (something I’ve been very interested in), pair down your closet to the basics, and get more creative with your outfits and the things you already own! 

I don’t know about you – but I LOVE seeing sample outfits put together. I want to look cute and play with my wardrobe more – but I am honestly lost at how to do that most days ?

Here are the challenges you get to choose from (you get to pick any one): 

  • Closet Staples: Casual Capsule Wardrobe Builder
  • The GYPO French Minimalist Style Capsule Wardrobe
  • SAHM Wardrobe Basics Builder
  • Activewear Mini Capsule
  • Spring/Summer Girls Capsule Wardrobe
  • GYPO Spring Style Challenge
  • Spring Menswear Bootcamp Mini-Capsule
  • Summer Workwear Capsule

I know, I know…how can you choose just one?!?! I picked the Closet staples because I am super interested in pairing down my close and creating more of a capsule wardrobe with carefully curated items that all go together! 

However, the SAHM one looks very interesting as well as the Spring and Summer ones! 

With your style challenge you will get:

  • Checklists and guides for piecing together your wardrobe
  • Links to places to buy new clothes specifically for your new wardrobe (totally optional – you can do great with just the closes in your closet! Good to have this though in case you want some new pieces!)
  • WEEKLY wardrobe ideas with pictures sent to your inbox (this is what I’m most excited about)
  • Access to a private FB group with all the other ladies discussing wardrobe, clothes, and style on a budget – so fun!! 

Overall – this is a really fun addition to the bundle! You get the entire bundle, all 129 resources, bonus items, AND this early bird special! I can’t wait to dig more into my capsule wardrobe style challenge. I can’t wait to hear which one you pick!  

What is the 2018 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle? 

The homemaking bundle is a brand new bundle that they come put with each year that contains dozens (hundreds) of resources to make your life as a homemaker easier. It contains eCourses, eBooks, printables, and other fun bonuses. 

You can read my full review of the bundle here if you need to know what’s inside it and all that! 

This year’s bundle is PACKED with some really high value resources that make it very worth it in my opinion. For example, my Goal Setting for Greater Balance & Purpose in Your Home is part of the bundle!! I sell this course on my website for $29.95 on it’s own…and you can snag the bundle for just $29.97 and get my course AND everything else! 

The bundle itself ends on April 16th but you will get the style challenge bonus through tonight, April 12th!! 

Find out more and get your bundle here!


And I’ve got a fun little bonus of my own for you!! 

I know personally how overwhelming this bundle can be! I mean, how can you possibly use 129 resources? How do you know which of the bonus items are right for you?? It can be so overwhelming! 

So I will be hosting my very own webinar for everyone who purchases the bundle!! We will do it sometime the week or two after the bundle ends (I will email you with the specific time) and if you can’t attend live, you WILL get the replay video.

But in the webinar, we will get to chat together (yay!!) and I’ll share all of my personal favorite items from the bundle, which bonuses are worth it for the shipping price, and some tips for making the most of this gigantic bundle of resources without getting overwhelmed! 

We did this webinar last year and it was a BLAST!! I hope you can join us 🙂 After you purchase your bundle, just come back here and sign up and I’ll email you when we have the exact time for the webinar! 

Join me for a free training all about this year's bundle!

We will discuss all the items in the bundle, which ones I'm really excited about jumping into, how to best utilize all the resources, and more!

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