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We’ve got big news: Baby #5 is…

on August 10, 2016 by Jami Balmet 0 comments

If you’ve been following along here in our ministry, you know that in July 2015 we had our second set of twin boys. Yup, that’s right. We have two sets of twins…2.5 years apart.

If you are keeping track, that means we currently have four kids, three and under! ALL BOYS.

Our Family

In May we received a surprise blessing: We are pregnant with baby #5! This was a surprise for us as our younger twins were only 9 months at the time. But God is good and His timing is aways perfect!

Here’s our video we made to announce our surprise blessing:

So we waited with bated breath to find out if it was our third set of twins or a single baby. And a few weeks ago we found out that we would be taking on a new adventure: We are pregnant with one little baby!


And…last week we found out if we will be adding a little girl or a fifth boy! Do you have a guess?

Baby #5 is…

Lil' Sister2

A Girl!!

We are so excited and feel so blessed to get to welcome a little baby girl into our family come January 2017!

Lil' Sister 22

This is going to be a whole new adventure for us: only one baby this time AND a girl! I am so over the moon excited and can’t wait for this next adventure to being!

Many of you have been asking how this pregnancy has been going. And all I can say is that God is good! 

I am 16 weeks pregnant this week and feeling great! I’ve already had a noticeable difference in now easy this pregnancy is compared to my last two. Even though this is my third pregnancy, I feel so tiny at this point. I hardly feel pregnant.

After two really difficult pregnancies, I am so thankful that this one has been easy. We didn’t expect to get pregnant when our younger twins were only 9 months old, and so I’ve been so grateful that the pregnancy has been easy so far.

Thank you to everyone who has provided encouragement and prayers in the last 16 weeks! You guys all rock!!

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