What is the Amillennial viewpoint? (A Look at the End Times Part 3) – Hf #320
Welcome to the third part of our Eschatology series: A look at the end times. In part 1, we covered WHY you should care about Eschatology and why it’s worth spending our time on. Then in part 2 we covered the Premillennial viewpoint. Now we are going to deep dive into the Amillennial viewpoint. The next episode will feature Postmillennialism. We will wrap up the series with a Q&A episode! Let’s dive in!
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A note on this series: In no way are Jason and I an expert in this topic. But we’ve greatly enjoyed diving into eschatology this year and are excited to share what we’ve learned. We are covering the 3 main views of the end times, but even within those 3, there are countless smaller viewpoints of those. So what we are attempting to do here is a broad overview of each point. Please forgive us if we over generalize any areas or if we make a mistake on any of these. Please come dialogue with us on Instagram if you want to share anything!
Overview of the Amillennial Viewpoint:
This is the view that there is no earthly millennium. Rather, the millennium is a Spiritual one that is currently taking place in Heaven. We have been in the millennium since Christ ascended into Heaven and will remain until He comes back again.
They believe the 1000 years is a figurative term to mean a really long time. Believers who have already died and die today will be in Heaven immediately experiencing the millennium. The Kingdom of God (proclaimed by Jesus and his apostles) is
synonymous with the millennial kingdom of Revelation 20:4-6.
This is a very simple and straightforward look at our present age and Christ returning. They are partial preterists and interpret many of the prophecies in Revelation to have already happened in the first century (i.e. antichrist, great tribulation, etc).
Preterism – An eschatological viewpoint that places many of the eschatological events in the past, especially during the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. – What Does the Bible Teach About the End Times?

Amill Resources:
- What Does the Bible Teach About the End Times?
- The Bible and the Future by Hoekema, Anthony
- A case for Amillennialism – Kim Riddlebarger
- More Than Conquerors: An Interpretation of the Book of Revelation by Hendrikson, William
- Triumph of the Lamb by Dennis Johnson
- Sam Storms video
- The Preterist Approach to Revelation – Ligioner Ministries
- eCourse: The Last Days According to Jesus by R.C. Sproul