A Fun Way to Shop for Maternity Clothes: Stitch Fix!
Over the past 6 months, I have increasingly fallen in love with the clothing website called Stitch Fix. I feel like I finally cracked the secrets to getting the most out of the service and most of my favorite clothing has now come from Stitch Fix.
I found out last year at the very end of my pregnancy that Stitch Fix does maternity clothing!! I’ve had a lot of questions about Stitch Fix’s maternity clothing because there seems to be hardly any examples out there of it.
My sister is currently 25 weeks pregnant so I talked her into trying a maternity box (okay, she was actually really eager to try it out)! I walked her through how to fill out her style profile, how to create a Pinterest board to get things she loves, and other fun Stitch Fix secrets.
So that’s what I’m sharing with you today: Her maternity Stitch Fix box (and why I can’t wait to try it out next time I’m pregnant)!
New to Stitch Fix? If you’re wondering what Stitch Fix is, it’s essentially a clothing stylist company. You fill out your profile, sizes, style preferences, etc. and pay a $20 styling fee. Then your stylist sends you a box of five items. You get to try them on (with all your own clothing and accessories which is so fun) and decide what you want to keep and what you want to send back.
Whatever you don’t want, you mail back to them in a free bag and only pay for what you want. If you don’t keep any of the five items (which has never happened to me), then you still pay the $20 to cover the styling fees and shipping both ways. BUT if you keep at least one item, the $20 goes towards the price of that item. Pretty awesome!
You can sign up for free today and start filing out your style profile here!
A Maternity Stitch Fix Box:
Meet my sister Sienna! She’s currently about 25 weeks pregnant with a baby boy and we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the first cousin!! Isn’t she beautiful? Here’s a peek inside her box!
Unfortunately, by the time I got around to writing this review, we had lost the pricing sheet and we don’t remember the exact pricing of all the items. Everything was between $30 (for the three camis) and $80 (for the blue dress). I was worried that the maternity prices might run higher than average fixes, but the prices were consistent with all my other fixes. (You can see all my past Stitch Fix boxes here).
Healdsburg Short Sleeve Boatneck Maternity Knit Top
Super soft, comfy top that was very flattering.

Melroy Lace Detail Maternity Knit Top
I personally loved this top with the cute lace details. But here in California in the Summer, it tops the 100’s. And since Sienna is due the beginning of September, this just wasn’t a practical top for Summer here. It was cute and comfy though!
3-Pack Maternity Cami Set
This was a surprise! I’ve never seen three items come as one before. It was about $30 for all three cami’s. $10 each for a high quality cami isn’t bad at all! Sienna decided to send them back because she doesn’t need any cami’s – but if this had been my maternity box, I think I would have kept them!
Macey Printed Maxi Skirt
This was Sienna’s favorite! It has such a pretty design and was incredibly soft and comfortable. I have a feeling this will be one of her staples throughout this long, hot summer!
Gabre Eyelet Knit Maternity Dress
Here is Sienna and her adorable husband Brandon – all ready to welcome their new baby boy. Unfortunately, they’ve still got a few months to wait 😉
Oh, but the point is: her final item was this beyond adorable blue eyelet dress. It’s hard to tell in the photo, but the dress was actually a bit too big on Sienna. It just didn’t fit her waist right. She is so petite that it just didn’t work. Bummer because I would have kept it in a heart beat!
The Final Verdict?
We were both very impressed with the Stitch Fix maternity box!
I was impressed because I had a feeling that the maternity items would cost a lot more than regular ones and I’m happy to report that I was wrong! The maternity clothes were all really high quality and had a nice variety.
Sienna was impressed because this was her first Stitch Fix box, and I have to say: I think she’s officially hooked! If you’ve never done a Stitch Fix box before, there’s something very exciting about filling out your profile, creating a Pinterest board with all your favorite styles, and waiting for your box of unknown surprises to show up.
You can sign up for free today and start filing out your style profile here!
On my next pregnancy, I will definitely be doing a Stitch Fix maternity box!
Sienna also loved the fun style card that comes with the boxes. They take all the pieces they gave you and style them into two different outfits! As someone who is fashionably challenged, I love this! It always gives me some really fun ideas.