Basic Lessons in Homemaking Routines & Meal Planning – Hf #63
I have a passion for homemaking and love encouraging women in their roles as homemakers. Earlier in the week, I shared a post and podcast episode on what it mean to be a modern homemaker. Once you understand the theory behind your homemaking and how it affects our lives on a day to day basis through… Read More
What does it mean to be a modern homemaker? – Hf #62
What does it mean to be a homemaker? How do you define a homemaker? Does homemaker simply mean a stay at home mom or does it encompass so much more? How do I glorify God in my homemaking and what does it mean to be a Gospel-Centered homemaker? These are the questions I try to… Read More
Investing in your cooking & baking skills with online classes
As a young new wife, my first huge obstacle in my home was learning how to cook. I came into marriage with zero cooking or meal planning skills. And while we were both busy college students living on a shoe string budget, I had to figure out what I was doing really quickly. While I… Read More
How to make the most of your Word of the Year – YWGtv Episode #7
Yesterday, I shared my 2017 word of the year. Last year was my first year REALLY investing in my word and focusing on it all year. And it was awesome!! We are only a few days into the new year at this point and my word has already had a big impact and is helping… Read More
2017 Word of the Year (And how to pick your own) – Hf #54
2017 is my third year picking a word for my year. In 2012 my word was Intentional. I stuck with it for a couple of months and then it just kind of fell off my radar. Then in 2016, I decided to try again and my word for the year was Joy. And it had such a… Read More
Getting on Track with Your Daily Disciplines
Setting daily and consistent routines and habits is one of the most important skills that a homemaker can cultivate. When I am intentional about those daily disciplines, my home goes from survival mode to thriving! But then why is it so often difficult to develop these daily routines? Over the last several years, I’ve shared… Read More
Truly Celebrating the Birth of our Savior – Hf #51
It’s only been recently that I started truly understanding the deeper meaning and purpose behind Christtmas. And it has radically changed how I approach this month, teach my kids, and look forward to the next year. Of course, we all know the true meaning of Christmas: Christ’s Birth. But how often do we go deeper… Read More
Christian Homemaker’s Gift Guide 2016
It can be really tough to find gift suggestions and ideas that are 1) affordable, 2) thoughtful and 3) deep. I’ve read far too many gift guides that contain very generic ideas or a few links to Amazon that end up not being very helpful. So in putting together my gift guide this year, I… Read More
Focusing on CHRIST this Christmas – Introducing our new kit!!
As my kids are getting older, it’s been more and more important to me as a mom to focus our household on Christ during the Christmas season. But the problem is, it’s sometimes hard to know how to go about doing that. I set out on Pinterest to try and find maybe some worksheets or… Read More
Hf #50: Choosing to be Thankful in Troubled Times
Today we are talking about thankfulness. But I don’t want you to tune this message out just because it’s a thing we tend to talk about this time of year. This message today goes far beyond the week of Thanksgiving and goes far deeper than uttering off a few quick “thanks for…” lists. Choosing to… Read More