Fun Summer Hospitality Ideas – Hf #84
I know how overwhelming hospitality can be. I felt really overwhelmed as a new wife inviting people into my home. I didn’t feel confident in my homemaking skills. And I certainly didn’t feel confident in my cooking skills. One of my biggest concerns was knowing what to cook for other people! And I know this… Read More
When you spend all your time managing THINGS! – Hf #73
A few weeks ago I got a comment from a friend who was feeling overwhelmed and like her work in the home is just plain pointless sometimes. And my heart went out to her! Last week I addressed the first part of her question: When Your Work Just Doesn’t Feel Worthwhile. In that episode I… Read More
When Your Work Just Doesn’t Seem Worthwhile – Hf #71
Throughout college as I was writing papers on Ancient Near Eastern History and learning how to read the Bible in the original Hebrew (yeah – I was a double major – History and Biblical Studies and loved every minute of it), it was easy to feel like I was spending my time on extremely worthwhile… Read More
The Essential Ingredients of a Thriving Home (NEW LIVE Masterclass)!!
People ask me just about every day how I manage my time. With five kids four and under, and running our ministry full time as a family, it takes a lot of balance and juggling to manage it all. If you hop on over to YouTube and watch our Week in the Life videos, you… Read More
Eliminating Distractions in Your Homemaking – Hf #69
Yesterday on the podcast I attempted to answer a question and went in the direction of what do you do when your day gets derailed? So hop over to listen or read that episode because it’s got some good stuff. Here’s the question I got: “I was wondering if you could share a schedule on your… Read More
What do you do when your day gets derailed? (Establishing priorities in your homemaking) – Hf #68
One of the hardest things about “homemaking” or running and managing our homes…is figuring out how to DO IT ALL. On the best of days it can be difficult to juggle it all. Throw in a sleepless newborn, a teething toddler, a sick kid, a difficult circumstance, or any variety of weird things that can… Read More
Join me for a FREE Live Workshop March 31st!
I am over the moon excited to announce a brand new LIVE workshop I will be hosting on Friday, March 31st! The best part (other than the incredible workshop itself you mean?) is that it’s FREE! Join me at 9pm EST (6pm PST) for a brand new live workshop called 5 Ways to Organize Your Time… Read More
My Favorite Places for Online Shopping: Grove Collaborative
I buy 99% of our household products (cleaning supplies, beauty products, skincare, etc.) online. It’s very rare that I purchase any of this in store unless we ran out unexpectedly. Today I am going to share one of the four places I order online, what I order, and an amazing deal where you can get… Read More
Accurately Understanding the Proverbs 31 Woman – Hf #64
When you think of Biblical Womanhood, when you think of a godly woman from Scripture, it doesn’t take long for our minds to go to the Proverbs 31 woman. She seems to have it all. She’s got it together, she does an insane amount of work each day (or so it seems), and she works… Read More
It’s Proverbs 31 Month!! (Introducing my brand new eBook!)
I have been waiting for this day for two months!! Today my brand new eBook, The Proverbs 31 Homemaker, releases and I am so excited to share it with you. I have been working, studying, praying, writing, and thinking about this for months and today I finally get to share it with you. (Plus scroll down… Read More