14 Days of Praying for Your Marriage & Husband
Romance, marriage, and love are the topics of discussion this month.
Finding the perfect Valentine’s Day present, sending flowers, expecting chocolates…it’s the month of “love”.
And while those things can be fun, they don’t truly get to the heart of marriage. And in fact, if your marriage is hurting right now, chocolate covered strawberries are probably not going to “fix” much of anything.
But we do have one very good resource we can turn to at any time. An outlet in which we can start working on our marriage and it’s going to have lasting impact on our marriage and our relationship with the Lord…
…and that’s Prayer!
The times in my marriage when I’ve seen the most growth, have enjoyed more closeness with my husband, and my husband and I both came together before the Lord more and more, have been in those seasons where I’ve been more diligent about my prayer life. And more specifically, praying for my marriage and husband.
Life is busy right now. Life is chaotic. We just brought home baby #5 at the end of January and are busy adjusting to life as a family of 7. And in a busy season like this, it would be easier than ever to forsake my prayer life, to push it off for a different, less busy season.
But this is when I need prayer in my life and for my marriage more than ever! So with Valentine’s Day in the air, I decided now would be a perfect time to kick off our 14 Days of Praying for Your Marriage and Husband.
It’s a FREE printable challenge that gives you a Bible verse or passage to read each day with a quick prayer prompt. You can spend 2 minutes in prayer each morning or carry the Bible verse and prayer with you throughout the day, pausing to pray and reflect whenever you can.
I am hoping that this challenge will encourage you to remember to be praying for your marriage, to encourage your husband, and also to develop more deep and consistent habits of prayer in your life (I know this is a big struggle of mine).
Looking for more marriage & prayer resources:
- Methods for a Deeper Prayer Life (Podcast episode you can listen to)
- Praying the Bible by Donald Whitney (a quick fantastic book on prayer)
- 4 Methods to Organize Your Prayer Life by Tim Challies and how he uses an iPhone app to keep track of prayers
- Limited time bundle: Strengthen Your Marriage Bundle (A fantastic marriage resource put together by three Christian bloggers to help you reignite the spark in your marriage!)