A Tour Inside My Favorite Store: Costco (And what I buy) – YWGtv episode 004
If you’ve hung around here very long, it’s likely you’ve heard me mention Costco once, or twice, or a couple hundred times. It is my all time favorite store and where we do nearly all of our grocery shopping. From their low prices to wide variety of organic foods (and the fact that we can… Read More
How To Upload Your Own Recipes to Build a Menu (& other questions)
The last couple of weeks I’ve been sharing about my absolute favorite way to meal plan. It’s an online system called Build a Menu and this month only, it’s on a super sale (see details below). Last week I shared a video walkthrough (you can also see the pictures) of how to use Build a… Read More
My Favorite Method for Meal Planning (a walkthrough)
Meal planning saves my sanity when it comes to the kitchen. It allows me to make healthier meals for my family, stict to a budget, and save time. When I get in the consistent habit of meal planning, it’s pretty amazing how much it helps. But then when I fall out of the habit, it’s… Read More
30 Must-Try Soups for Fall
By Victoria Osborn, Contributing Writer Fill your fall meal plan up with these warm, hearty and comforting must try soups for fall! It’s no secret, I love fall. Outside of the beautiful colors and sights of the season, I love how the temperature slowly starts changing and getting a little cooler. Summer is fun, my family… Read More
When Your Kitchen Feels Out of Control (Help with Meal Planning)
The kitchen is one of those areas in our lives that can take a ton of time, energy, and money and at the end of the day, we can still feel like we are spinning our wheels. Do you ever feel like your kitchen is controlling you? Between meal planning, grocery shopping, all the cooking, coordinating,… Read More
DIY Dryer Sheets
By Marci Seither, Contributing Writer This super easy recipe that can take your laundry to a whole new level! After years and years of spending money on perfumed fabric softener sheets that would end up in someone’s shirt or tossed next to the sock pile, I decided it was time to just make my own. DIY… Read More
Simple, Healthy, & Nutritious $5 Dinners! (15+ Recipes Your Family Will Love)
Jason and I have some big financial goals for 2016 and we are ramping up for it all by trying to get our budget under control as much as possible in November and December. Unfortunately, these are just about the two hardest months of the year to do that in. We are hosting Thanksgiving at… Read More
Our Trim Healthy Mama Plan for November
I have been a fan of Trim Healthy Mama for several years now. I first got the book and read through this plan back when my first set of twins were born. I loved it and at the time, Trim Healthy Mama was my #1 resource I recommended to women who wanted to learn more… Read More
Slow Cooker Quinoa Vegetable Chili
By Ashley Roe, Contributing Writer I relish the cool crisp days of fall especially after a hot summer and before the air turns bitterly cold in winter. This time of year I love to make comfort foods that warm my throat and my soul. But as much as I do enjoy cooking, I don’t always… Read More
What does Living Natural have to do with being a Christian?
When “going green” and organic products first started becoming popular, I thought it was a wordly-hippie-waste of time. I thought, and still do think, that God is sovereign over this life and this world. The book of Revelation in Scripture clearly teaches that God will end the world on his time line (Matthew 24:36, 2 Peter 3:10,… Read More