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Getting on Track with Your Daily Disciplines

on January 10, 2017 by Jami Balmet 0 comments

Setting daily and consistent routines and habits is one of the most important skills that a homemaker can cultivate. When I am intentional about those daily disciplines, my home goes from survival mode to thriving! 

But then why is it so often difficult to develop these daily routines? 

Getting on track with your daily disciplines

Over the last several years, I’ve shared a lot about my journey in developing consistent daily disciplines. I’ve had times when I’m really really good at them (and my house really shows it) and other times when I get out of the habit, I’m lazy, or I’m going through a difficult season (and again, my house really shows that too). 

I think that developing better routines in your day, all starts with clearly defining the priorities in your life. In the Summer of 2014 I first did this and it literally changed the way I looked at the roles and responsibilities that I juggle in my life. Going through the simple exercise of clearly defining my priorities in my life and homemaking, has helped me learn what to say yes to and what to say no to. 

I’ve broken it down into more detail but my personal and life priorities are:

  1. Vibrant relationship with God
  2. Passionately pursuing my husband
  3. Spending time with my kids
  4. Crafting a healthy home for my family
  5. Write and mange my blog and online ministry

“Creating a personal priorities list is vital in enabling us to determine what is truly important and what opportunities we can pass up. After all, if we don’t know what is most important to us, how will we know it when it comes our way?” – Say Goodbye to Survival ModeCrystal Paine


Out of those priorities then, I’ve learned how to create routines and schedules for my day. It’s amazing how focused this can help you be. My planning and how I do that planning has changed throughout the years, but this week I was reminded about something I created several years ago. 

Daily disciplines for homemakers printable! 

I created this FREE printable on keeping track of your daily disciplines and offered it on my Facebook page several years go. Well I had completely forgotten about it until someone mentioned it to me this week. So I thought it was high time to bring it back! 

I now do most of my routines and planning in my traveler’s journals which is how I keep track of things these days, but having something hung up on my fridge is so helpful! 

I printed mine out and lamented it with my home laminator (it takes about 5 minutes total) so that I can hang it on my fridge and use it over and over again. I just use a dry erase marker and then wipe it clean at the end of each week. 

This little sheet comes in handy when developing your daily disciplines and habits. I’ve given you access to two versions 1) a blank one to fill out however you want and 2) a partially filled in one so you have something to work off of and then you can add in additional tasks and routines. 


More Planning & Discipline Resources: 

Looking for a guided approach to planning and making the most out of your time? Here are some great articles for reading more:

Looking for a terrific book on the subject? I HIGHLY recommend Crystal Paine’s book Say Goodbye to Survival ModeIt’s one of my all time favorite books and incredibly helpful in getting your home and homemaking routines in order. 
